Not this time. Infact I am pleased to say that after being on zocin azithromycin for 6 days (250 gm per day) I am acne free. I have to repeat the meds next Thursday for another 6 days and then my doc said I can start with microdermabrasion. For those of you who do not know what this is, there is intensive knowledge on the web so just google it up . From what I read it's a milder treatment compared to chemical peels. Some of the side effects could be sensitivity and mild irritation or redness of the skin - nothing too dramatic, which I can manage. As per my doc I need 4 sittings but I don't have too much time so I'm going in for 2.
A very interesting home remedy for dermabrasion involves using the inner skin of an egg shell/shells. So next time you're making eggs for breakfast keep the shells aside. You will notice a very thin pale skin on the inside. You might have to break the shell into a few pieces to peel that skin off. Apply the shell skin on your face (from what I read you have to apply the sticky, gooey side). After it dries up you have to peel it off. I suggest you look this up more on the web as I tried it just once. I was quite impressed. It seemed to work like one of those blackhead removal strips you get at a store. But then I think my skin can take a lot as I have tried almost everything. For those of you who have really sensitive skin may want to avoid doing this altogether and see a doc for best results.